Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (2024)

Throughout Naruto, the young Uzumaki has a single goal: to one day become Hokage to lead and protect his people. This coveted role passes along to several residents of Konoha before falling to this young man. Lucky for him, he eventually becomes one of the most powerful ninja ever, making him a perfect candidate. However, he's hardly the only Kage out there. There are four other leaders also trying to protect their own villages and lands. After all, the Land of Fire is only one of five great nations. Even if Naruto is incredibly powerful, more protectors are needed to keep their whole world safe. With time, he's even become friends with some of these leaders.

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With all the years the Hidden Villages have existed, there have been dozens of Kage to protect them. Not every Kage is made equally, though. It isn't hard to see some have a greater impact than others.

Updated onDecember9th, 2021 by Amanda Bruce: The Naruto audience might get to know the leaders of Konohagakure best in the franchise, but there are a large number of other village leaders who make appearances in the series. All the Kages have to be strong leaders, even if the audience doesn't always get to see it. With what the audience does learn about all the Naruto Kages, however, they can easily discern that only a select few are as hugely powerful as the title character himself. The weaker of the Kages still aren't powerless though.

Third Hoshikage

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (1)

Though the Hoshikage isn't recognized by the five great Shinobi Countries, they are organized and have a rich enough history to deserve mention. However, the Third Hoshikage is, by far, the weakest Kage. While he was strong enough to lead a powerful village, he completely didn't notice and was overpowered by his successor's plot to overthrow him. Of course, it doesn't help that he doesn't even have a given name in the anime. (To be fair, not all of the known Kage in the series are named.)

This Kage could have used more foresight and power, but at least he led his people proudly.

Rasa (Fourth Kazekage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (2)

Father of the fifth Kazekage, Rasa dug his own grave with unsavory dealings and horrible parenting. Rasa happily used his youngest son as a weapon, making him the jinchuriki of the One-Tailed Beast as a child. While Rasa was a master of Gold Dust, his decision to make Gaara a monster overshadowed that ability. Worse, trying to solve the problem by assassinating Gaara only made things worse. Eventually, Rasa turned to plots with Orochimaru, which led him to his grave.

Though he had unique abilities, his poor choices and selfish endangerment made him a poor Kage.

A (Second Raikage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (3)

Like many of the second Kage, A worked hard to maintain the peace and unity his predecessor built. Along with keeping the village at peace, he wanted to remain on good terms with the other Hidden Villages. While his abilities are a mystery in Naruto, his tenure as Raikage was largely uneventful. A kept the status quo but didn't really add anything of his own to the village.

Spending many years as the first Raikage's bodyguard, he probably just wanted his friend's vision to remain intact, even if it left him unremarkable.

Byakuren (First Mizukage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (4)

Not the prettiest man, Byakuren was the first ninja to unite the warriors in the Land of Water. Creating Kirigakure, he united his people. However, he also kept his village isolated. Byakuren was a cautious man and distrusted the other ninja, leaving Kirikagure very mysterious to other leaders. Though this protected them from infighting, this seclusion eventually helped lead to the barbaric practices of the Bloody Mist era.

Byakuren did his best and protected his people, but he set them up poorly for the future.

A (First Raikage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (5)

Founder of Kumogakure, the young first Raikage did everything in his power to keep his village protected. Unlike many of the other aggressive Kage, he was even willing to give away lands for loyalty and protection. While not one to flex his powers, he was pragmatic and effective. When war took his life, he only entrusted his long-time bodyguard, who also deeply believed in protecting Kumogakure, with the Kage position.

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Anyone strong enough to unite and keep a country together deserves to be recognized. Clearly, though, he relied more on intelligence and diplomacy over strength.

Third Mizukage

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (6)

When the first Mizukage went to meet with the other nations, his bodyguard was the serious future third Mizukage. As far as Naruto and Konoha knew, the third Mizukage was even more isolated than his predecessors. After village meetings and the violent history of the second Mizukage, this Kage kept Kirigakure more secluded than ever. The Gengetsu/Mu feud almost ripped both of their villages apart.

While the third Mizukage pulled the village back together, he only made their isolationism worse. Far worse, he facilitated the vicious graduation rituals that led to Yagura, a powerful and terrible Mizukage.

Shamon (Second Kazekage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (7)

Unlike many other Kage, Shamon's greatest feats don't come from power or strategy. The second Kazekage was the first person to seriously research improving the power of the tailed beasts. He also developed ninjutsu into his own style, using puppets, which is used by Sunagakure ninja to this day.

Once the bodyguard of the first Kazekage, fans have to assume the guy was pretty powerful. However, he altered the world a lot more in the legacy he left for his village. Awakened tailed beasts and puppets became unique assets of their town.

Ishikawa (First Tsuchikage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (8)

Within a natural stronghold of mountains and rockface, Ishikawa founded Iwagakure, the Hidden Village in the Land of Earth. The town has wonderful defensive capabilities, something its people are very proud of. As the village's leader, Ishikawa was a proud, strong man with unique abilities. History records have implied he manipulated bugs. However, Iwaga ninja know him best for his ability to make his body light enough to fly.

Though he spoke in puns and rock jokes, Ishakawa took his Kage position seriously. The village he created has always been secure and strong.

Mei Terumi (Fifth Mizukage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (9)

After the worst of the "Bloody Mist" Mizukage's reign ended, Mei Terumi took over the position. From the second she took office, Mei began to reform all the ruthless policies left by her predecessors. While Yagura was the worst, more before him also took part in the violence.

Considering she turned the entire village around after so many years of brutality, she deserves commendation for that alone.Despite her kind nature, it's still not best to cross her. A master of steam and lava, Mei is a dangerous foe for anyone to face.

Hiruzen (Third Hokage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (10)

When Naruto started, Hiruzen was the elderly Hokage that the young Uzumaki admired and listened to. A close friend of Tobirama and Hashirama, the village fell under his protection once both were gone. Able to summon a great ape warrior and use high-level fusion nature transformations, even in his old age his abilities were impressive.

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Unfortunately, though, Hiruzen waited far too long to step down from his position. When he was far too old, he had to face off against Orochimaru as Hokage and lost. While a wise man, his judgment always waned when it came to him.

Reto (First Kazekage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (11)

Of all the nations, the desert-dwelling shinobi were the most nomadic and difficult to manage. First Kazekage Reto had to draw upon his own overwhelming strength to convince them all to come together as one village. From what fans see of them in Naruto and Boruto, they're a stubborn people. His powers must have been domineering if he convinced them all to change their ways.

Unfortunately, Reto himself is horribly stubborn. He almost tore the First Kage Summit apart with his demands. It's no surprise that, despite his abilities, he was eventually assassinated.

Chojuro (Fifth Mizukage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (12)

After the "Bloody Mist" era in Kirigakure's history, the next Mizukage put a lot of effort towards reforming their image. Mei Terumi conducted most of the internal work, but Chojuro improved the town so that it looked like any other Hidden Village. Children learned how to be ninja, traditional ways were preserved, and outsiders were welcome.

Furthermore, Chojuro became a master swordsman as well as an adept user of water ninjutsu. He excels in blades and stealth. Though he's much kinder than most historical Mizukage, he still is a powerful and dangerous leader bound to protecting his people.

Akahoshi (Fourth Hoshikage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (13)

A deceitful and powerful man, the fourth Hoshikage, Akahoshi, brought back the dangerous but incredible star-training of his people. While the star-abilities are impressive, working with the meteorite that fuels them is toxic to humans. Though the Mysterious Peaco*ck Method and others set them apart from other ninja and make them powerful, it also decays their people.

Akahoshi's willingness to sacrifice his people and himself for glory makes him an awful person. However, when it comes to power, his mastery of the star-training and ability to get noticed by other nations makes him (almost) the strongest Hoshikage to date.

Darui (Fifth Raikage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (14)

As the fifth Raikage, Darui saw a lot of cultural changes in his people. For one, he's the first Raikage not to be named A. Second, he's become far more trusting of the other ninja villages. Once the fourth Raikage's bodyguard, he's a capable shinobi with a great understanding of lightning ninjutsu, the village's specialty. By the time Boruto is a genin, he has become the leader of his village and does so with seriousness.

Specializing himself in broadswords, black lighting, and shadow clones, Darui will use whatever means necessary to protect Kumogakure.

Onoki (Third Tsuchikage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (15)

In some ways, Onoki is a legendary ninja who deserves higher standing. However, the third Tsuchikage has some glaring flaws that make him less ideal. For one, despite being immensely powerful, his sporadic joint pains cause chaos in battle. Second, his cloning during the times of Boruto threw his morality into a murky place. After all, his clones were powerful but he didn't treat them right.


If people judged him solely by his younger years, Onoki would be one of the top Kage. However, looking at his tenure overall, in his latter years he put his village in serious danger.

First Hoshikage

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (16)

The First Hoshikage of Hoshigakure was the ninja that discovered the "fallen star", a meteorite that gave anyone who trained with it supernatural ninjutsu abilities. Eventually, villagers called this the Mysterious Peaco*ck Method. Their first Hoshikage was the first to master this style, ushering in a new era of power and recognition for Hoshigakure. They thought they belonged at the Kage Summits, and this power could get them noticed.

Between learning the star's secret benefits and founding their village, the first Hoshikage did great things for his people. If only he had learned the terrible side effects of the star faster.

Kakashi (Sixth Hokage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (17)

Kage can be an overwhelming position, but few were as uninterested as Kakashi Hatake. A strong ninja given the powers of the Sharingan, his laid-back attitude masks his own capability. However, that hardly means he's the leader type. After only a few years, he passed the title onto Naruto.

During his time as a leader, though, Kakashi didn't slouch. He helped protect Konoha from The Fourth Shinobi War and Kaguya's assault. An intelligent ninja, he used his abilities and made decisions that contributed to saving the world. Even if he was reluctant, that makes for a pretty good Kage.

A (Fourth Raikage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (18)

When Naruto first ventured to Kumohagakure, it was led by the stern fourth Raikage, A. A is known for his lightning transformations and his immense chakra. When Minato Namikaze passed on, he became the new fastest shinobi alive. Despite losing an arm, he was still chosen as the Supreme Leader of the Allied Shinobi Forces during war.

The most impressive part of the fourth Raikage, though, is his determination. Though he lost his dominant hand, he persevered and still protected his people and the world. He was determined to fight during war, even if it cost him his life.

Gaara (Fifth Kazekage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (19)

While many Kage positions suffer from nepotism, one of the worst offenders are the Kazekage. Villagers assume that Children of the Hokage will lead one day. This became frightening when it came to Gaara, the young ninja raised to be a weapon.

Luckily, while visiting Konoha for the Chunin Exams and a plot, Gaara met Naruto, Rock Lee, and other genin who broadened his tainted, wounded mind. His impressive power continued to grow and he eventually became a powerful and thoughtful Kage. As an adult, he even adopted a local boy with powers that reminded him of his own.

Kurotsuchi (Fourth Tsuchikage)

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (20)

A clever shinobi, Kurotsuchi is a well-rounded and powerful ninja. Between that and her Kage lineage, she was an easy choice for Tsuchikage. She learned everything she knew from her grandfather and father. Because of her proficiency in fire and earth releases, she's a master of lava release.

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However, her powers of misdirection, reflexes and physical strength are what bolster her ninjutsu to be all the more powerful. As a smart woman with many capabilities, Kurotsuchi makes for a versatile and effective Tsuchikage.

Naruto: Every Kage Ranked From Weakest To Strongest (2024)


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